Find out quick beauty tips for those girls who don’t like to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror:
– Try a genius lifehack how to contour nose using tweezers
– We prepared brilliant lifehack how to make super cute freckles using mehndi cone
– Use sticky tape for overhanging eyelids
– Check out how to find the right foundation tone for your skin
– Use a fork to line your nose
– Replace your worn off makeup sponge with the kitchen sponge
– Watch the tutorial on how to keep the off-the-shoulder top in place especially when you move a lot or dance
– Try the recipe on how to cure minor burns – use honey. Apply it for 10 minutes
– Use honey to exfoliate your lips
– Try the perfect recipe for dry heels – mix aspirin with citric acid, honey, and water in a plastic bag. Put feet inside
– Here is a recipe for bad breath mix lemon juice, cinnamon, honey, and water. Microwave for 5 minutes and rinse your mouth
– If you have flu you should try the next recipe: mix flour, honey, and coconut oil apply the mixture in the chest, cover with plastic wrap and wear a scarf. Leave for one hour
– You can easily make all-natural cough drops at home: cut ginger, mix with water, sugar, honey, lemon, clove, and boil
– Check out how to add grip to your slippery shoes
– Mix charcoal and water and clean your tongue using a toothbrush
– Use wasabi to naturally plump your lips. Mix wasabi and yogurt together and apply for a few minutes
– Check out the recipe to cure the sunburn – mix honey, sugar, pollen. Cut the tomato in half, dip in the mixture and carefully apply the mixture
00:09 Contour lifehack
01:37 How to choose the foundation tone
05:35 What to do with slippery shoes
12:08 Fake freckles
12:57 How to treat the bloated face
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5min.crafts/
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Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts GIRLY: https://goo.gl/fWbJqz
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The Bright Side of Youtube: https://goo.gl/rQTJZz
For more videos and articles visit:
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Find out quick beauty tips for those girls who don’t like to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror:
– Try a genius lifehack how to contour nose using tweezers
– We prepared brilliant lifehack how to make super cute freckles using mehndi cone
– Use sticky tape for overhanging eyelids
– Check out how to find the right foundation tone for your skin
– Use a fork to line your nose
– Replace your worn off makeup sponge with the kitchen sponge
– Watch the tutorial on how to keep the off-the-shoulder top in place especially when you move a lot or dance
– Try the recipe on how to cure minor burns – use honey. Apply it for 10 minutes
– Use honey to exfoliate your lips
– Try the perfect recipe for dry heels – mix aspirin with citric acid, honey, and water in a plastic bag. Put feet inside
– Here is a recipe for bad breath mix lemon juice, cinnamon, honey, and water. Microwave for 5 minutes and rinse your mouth
– If you have flu you should try the next recipe: mix flour, honey, and coconut oil apply the mixture in the chest, cover with plastic wrap and wear a scarf. Leave for one hour
– You can easily make all-natural cough drops at home: cut ginger, mix with water, sugar, honey, lemon, clove, and boil
– Check out how to add grip to your slippery shoes
– Mix charcoal and water and clean your tongue using a toothbrush
– Use wasabi to naturally plump your lips. Mix wasabi and yogurt together and apply for a few minutes
– Check out the recipe to cure the sunburn – mix honey, sugar, pollen. Cut the tomato in half, dip in the mixture and carefully apply the mixture
00:09 Contour lifehack
01:37 How to choose the foundation tone
05:35 What to do with slippery shoes
12:08 Fake freckles
12:57 How to treat the bloated face
Our Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5min.crafts/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/5.min.crafts/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/5m_crafts
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts GIRLY: https://goo.gl/fWbJqz
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts KIDS: https://goo.gl/PEuLVt
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts MEN: http://bit.ly/2S69VUG
The Bright Side of Youtube: https://goo.gl/rQTJZz
For more videos and articles visit:
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/