Inexpensive homemade beauty products is a great way to save a budget. Besides, if you prefer organic cosmetic to the beauty products full of chemicals, this video is totally for you. Today, you will learn how to make beauty products using aloe vera, coconut oil, honey, turmeric, and even beet juice.
Sheet masks are very popular around the world now. I think you have noticed how many kinds of these masks have appeared over the past few years. Some of them are really pricey. Luckily, you can make various sheet masks at home and we are ready to share some awesome recipes to make your skin healthier. Firstly, you will need paper towels and spring roll paper. Let’s start from the mask that is made with spring roll paper. Mix warm chamomile tea with honey and soak spring roll paper in it. Apply the paper on your face as a usual sheet mask. The second mask is even easier to make: soak a paper towel in aloe gel and apply. This mask has a moisturizing, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.
Aloe is a perfect product for hair care also. You can make a perfect hair mask to cure dandruff. Mix aloe vera, conditioner, olive oil, and coconut oil. Apply till the dandruff is gone. You will be totally satisfied with the result. Always use sunscreen during your beach vacations to avoid sunburn. And if it happened to you, take an ice tray and pour aloe vera, freeze. And apply aloe ice cubes for pain relieve and to moisturize and heal your skin. You don’t need to buy expensive hand creams, make a perfect one at home. The recipe is very easy: mix Aloe Vera with honey and apply it daily.
00:11 Use lash curler for pale lips
00:53 Beauty recipes with coconut oil
02:31 Quick way to clean lash curler
10:20 Natural pink hair dye
14:20 Scrub for lips with wasabi
19:25 Homemade deodorant
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Inexpensive homemade beauty products is a great way to save a budget. Besides, if you prefer organic cosmetic to the beauty products full of chemicals, this video is totally for you. Today, you will learn how to make beauty products using aloe vera, coconut oil, honey, turmeric, and even beet juice.
Sheet masks are very popular around the world now. I think you have noticed how many kinds of these masks have appeared over the past few years. Some of them are really pricey. Luckily, you can make various sheet masks at home and we are ready to share some awesome recipes to make your skin healthier. Firstly, you will need paper towels and spring roll paper. Let’s start from the mask that is made with spring roll paper. Mix warm chamomile tea with honey and soak spring roll paper in it. Apply the paper on your face as a usual sheet mask. The second mask is even easier to make: soak a paper towel in aloe gel and apply. This mask has a moisturizing, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.
Aloe is a perfect product for hair care also. You can make a perfect hair mask to cure dandruff. Mix aloe vera, conditioner, olive oil, and coconut oil. Apply till the dandruff is gone. You will be totally satisfied with the result. Always use sunscreen during your beach vacations to avoid sunburn. And if it happened to you, take an ice tray and pour aloe vera, freeze. And apply aloe ice cubes for pain relieve and to moisturize and heal your skin. You don’t need to buy expensive hand creams, make a perfect one at home. The recipe is very easy: mix Aloe Vera with honey and apply it daily.
00:11 Use lash curler for pale lips
00:53 Beauty recipes with coconut oil
02:31 Quick way to clean lash curler
10:20 Natural pink hair dye
14:20 Scrub for lips with wasabi
19:25 Homemade deodorant
Our Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5min.crafts/
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Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts GIRLY: https://goo.gl/fWbJqz
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts KIDS: https://goo.gl/PEuLVt
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts MEN: http://bit.ly/2S69VUG
The Bright Side of Youtube: https://goo.gl/rQTJZz
For more videos and articles visit:
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/