You will a collection of quick beauty recipes such natural ingredients as turmeric, coconut cream, and honey. All these recipes will save your budget and you won’t need to go to the store.
Hair dryers tend to collect hair and dust in their vents. Do not forget to clean your hair dryer using a toothbrush from time to time. Watch our tutorial. Heat up lash curler using a lighter to easily clean it. Use toothpaste and toothbrush to quickly clean cosmetic bag if the foundation spilled. We have a perfect recipe for pale skin. Sometimes we wake up with pale skin and dark circles. Try this mask to look fresh in the morning: take a bowl and mix yogurt, turmeric, rice flour, and honey. Apply for 20 minutes and enjoy the result. Whiten your teeth with our cheap recipe: add some turmeric to the toothpaste and clean your teeth. You will totally love this recipe as it saves a lot of money and keeps your teeth healthy.
Here are effective recipes for the hair every girl should know. Dandruff and split hair is a disaster for every girl, as stunning hair require a lot of efforts and care. We have a quick recipe for dandruff: mix mouthwash and baking soda, use a cotton pad to apply it and let sit for 30 minutes. Dry hair requires a lot of care and different beauty masks, otherwise, it will lead to split ends and the only way to cure split ends is to cut them off. Use whipped cream, apply it for 20 minutes and wash off after. Your hair will be moisturized. Chapped lips could be annoying, painful and look not so good. Exfoliate your lips easily – mix sugar, turmeric, and honey to make a gentle scrub. Moreover, you may use turmeric to heal minor burns: mix turmeric with aloe vera and apply the mixture.
00:38 Clean a hair dryer
00:59 Quick way to clean lash curler
02:32 Incredible beauty tricks
05:11 Turmeric beauty recipes
06:04 Use turmeric to whiten your teeth
07:57 Homemade sheet masks
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Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
You will a collection of quick beauty recipes such natural ingredients as turmeric, coconut cream, and honey. All these recipes will save your budget and you won’t need to go to the store.
Hair dryers tend to collect hair and dust in their vents. Do not forget to clean your hair dryer using a toothbrush from time to time. Watch our tutorial. Heat up lash curler using a lighter to easily clean it. Use toothpaste and toothbrush to quickly clean cosmetic bag if the foundation spilled. We have a perfect recipe for pale skin. Sometimes we wake up with pale skin and dark circles. Try this mask to look fresh in the morning: take a bowl and mix yogurt, turmeric, rice flour, and honey. Apply for 20 minutes and enjoy the result. Whiten your teeth with our cheap recipe: add some turmeric to the toothpaste and clean your teeth. You will totally love this recipe as it saves a lot of money and keeps your teeth healthy.
Here are effective recipes for the hair every girl should know. Dandruff and split hair is a disaster for every girl, as stunning hair require a lot of efforts and care. We have a quick recipe for dandruff: mix mouthwash and baking soda, use a cotton pad to apply it and let sit for 30 minutes. Dry hair requires a lot of care and different beauty masks, otherwise, it will lead to split ends and the only way to cure split ends is to cut them off. Use whipped cream, apply it for 20 minutes and wash off after. Your hair will be moisturized. Chapped lips could be annoying, painful and look not so good. Exfoliate your lips easily – mix sugar, turmeric, and honey to make a gentle scrub. Moreover, you may use turmeric to heal minor burns: mix turmeric with aloe vera and apply the mixture.
00:38 Clean a hair dryer
00:59 Quick way to clean lash curler
02:32 Incredible beauty tricks
05:11 Turmeric beauty recipes
06:04 Use turmeric to whiten your teeth
07:57 Homemade sheet masks
Our Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5min.crafts/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/5.min.crafts/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/5m_crafts
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts GIRLY: https://goo.gl/fWbJqz
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts KIDS: https://goo.gl/PEuLVt
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts MEN: http://bit.ly/2S69VUG
The Bright Side of Youtube: https://goo.gl/rQTJZz
For more videos and articles visit:
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/